Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Diego y la Reserva de la Biosfera

I recently finished up a long-term project that I am very excited to (finally!) make this next blog post about. I had been working through Summer '12 with some very nice Americans who were in the Peace Corps, stationed in Xichu, Mexico, in the Sierra Gorda. The town of Xichu is located in a Reserve under CONANP, or Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas. You can learn more about my client's mission through watching this short video:

My job was to help design and illustrate a children's book for the schools to circulate among the students about their role in protecting the environment that surrounds them. The story they wrote (in Spanish) "Diego y la Reserva de la Biosfera," was about a boy named Diego, who, with his classmates and community, cleans up the litter around the river that runs through their town. I really love this story the kids wrote because it serves as a reminder that change starts with us. I feel fortunate that I was chosen to be a part of this project-- and proud that a little piece of me is floating around somewhere deep in the Sierra Gorda!

And without further ado, here is the finished product:

Obviously, it's in Spanish. You guys get the gist though, right? Happy Tuesday!

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